How to choose a reliable mobile app developer

Choosing a mobile business app developer is no easy task. The contractor should carry out the work in accordance with the customer’s requirements within the agreed timeframe. Finding a reliable app builder can be tricky, but it’s not beyond the realms of possibilty. Here are some pointers aimed at helping you make the right choice without having to settle for second best.

An agency or freelancers

Opting for a freelance developer may seem like an attractive option owing to the development cost but we recommend going with a company. You’ll get a fully-equipped team who can intelligently bring your ideas to life while sticking to the brief and maintaining product integrity. A dedicated project manager is assigned to each team, who monitors timely execution of project tasks. Automatically rule out companies who don’t have a website. It’s rather odd for a developer not to have one. Via the website you can take a look at the company’s portfolio and get a better idea of its areas of expertise. If you like what you see, the likelier you are to work well together. It’s also important that the company has had downloadable apps in app stores before. Not all content is compatible with Play Market while the Appstore has strict policies in place. Before an app can appear in an app store, it must undergo moderation. Thus, if you plan to creat an iOS app, make sure that the developer you go for has proven experience launching a product in an app store.

Cheaper doesn’t necessarily mean a better deal.

You need a good-quality mobile app not a cheap one, hence, don’t choose a company based on price alone. Opting for the cheapest developer is a sure-fire way to disappointment. In attempt to cut costs, you’ll end up with a product which will serve to benefit neither you nor your business. A professional knows the value of his work and values it accordingly. If your budget doesn’t allow for the creation of an app at present, then it might make sense to put it on hold until the following month. Don’t let your idea be compromised through poor execution!

Less Haste, more speed

Often an ‘as soon as possible’ approach to building an app is required and the customer leans toward the developer proposing to do it in the shortest possible space of time. Herein lies the trap. Inexperienced developers who aren’t able to properly evaluate the project may end up quoting you a much shorter time frame than what the job actually requires. In such a situation, the odds are that the deadline will overrun. Far worse however, is ending up with an app nothing like what you expected. Remember, that even the most talented specialist – whatever their field - has their limits. Each task has a minimum completion time frame and even professional programmers need time in order to accurately write the code. IDSI developers are encouraged to take their time, with an emphasis always on delivering a quality product. Creating a business app with extensive functionality is going to entail more than a day’s work.

Expand your horizons

It’s nice when you’re able to meet the project manager face to face or go to the offices of the company or developer. However, this won’t necessarily guarantee you a quality service. Don’t confine the search to only those companies within a similar geographical location to you. Lots of people collaborate remotely and achieve great results, which entirely make up for the distance between them. Evaluate the expertise of the company and not its location. IDSI has created mobile business apps for clients in various cities and we ourselves are proof that building apps for clients remotely does not pose an obstacle.

Не гонитесь за скоростью
Часто приложение нужно «чем быстрее, тем лучше» и заказчики стремятся выбрать исполнителя, назвавшего меньший срок разработки. Здесь кроется ловушка. Неопытные подрядчики из-за неспособности выполнить адекватную оценку проекта могут назвать срок гораздо меньше необходимого. Самое безобидное в таком случае – срыв сроков. Гораздо хуже, если в итоге вы получите приложение не похожее на то, какое ожидали.
Помните, что возможности любого специалиста ограничены. У каждой задачи есть минимальные сроки исполнения и даже профессиональному программисту нужно время для написания кода. Разработчики IDSI советуют не гнаться за скоростью, а обратить внимание на качество продукта. На создание бизнес приложения с большим количеством функций потребуется далеко не один день.

Testing – quality assurance guarantee

Good companies always have a QA specialist, responsible for testing any app which is built on different mobile devices. Launching an app without testing it is a huge risk. Consequently, you might end up with an app full of bugs, which will up the initial budget by 2 – 3 times. Before signing a contract, check that QA testing for apps is included in the proposal. It’s advisable not to work with companies which don’t incorporate app testing into their overall process. IDSI apps undergo testing by a QA specialist. It’s important to us that our products run smoothly without technical errors or bugs. Finding a reliable developer is possible provided you don’t compromise on price and speed of the job. Learn from others’ mistakes to avoid making them yourself.

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